
For all statutory future meeting dates please see below.

Meetings are held on an approximate 6 week cycle and start at 7pm.

Special Meetings, Sub-Committees and Working Groups are held on an ‘as and when’ basis.  

The agenda and reports can be viewed from the relevant meetings as soon as they are available. Please note that some reports may be too big to upload to these pages.

See past meetings for information held on previous dates. 

All agendas, reports, and minutes in the Meetings Section of the website are fully compliant with the Public Sector Website Accessibility Regulations, however, some appendices to the committee reports may not be fully accessible e.g. letters, forms and correspondence from third parties, financial figures and statistics etc.

If you experience difficulties in reading or understanding any of these attachments, or if a report is missing, please contact the Town Council and we will strive to provide the information in an alternative format or assist you with your query.