Financial Position and Spending Information
Budget Monitoring and Control
The Council has a proven track record in prudently managing and controlling spending against its approved budget.
Significant savings have been achieved in recent years which has enabled the Council to maintain services, facilities and events, and build up its balances and reserves.
This section of the website includes links to detailed reports on the Council’s actual financial position and the monitoring of actual expenditure and income during the year against the Council’s approved Revenue and Capital Budget.
These reports provide detailed information on actual expenditure and income against the approved budget, the savings that have been achieved, capital investment that has been made, as well as details of the Council’s Balances and Reserves, outstanding loans and investments.
These reports are presented to Council at the end of each quarter during the financial year i.e. 30th June, 30th September and 31st December and include a projection of ‘expected outturn’. This is basically an estimate of what the financial position is likely to be at the end of the year.
The final year-end figures are then reported as soon as possible following the end of the Council’s financial year on 31st March.
2024/25 Financial Year (Current Year)
Links to a report setting out the actual financial position on the Council’s 2024/25 Revenue and Capital Budgets for the six months up to 30th September 2024, along with a forecast of the expected year-end outturn position are set out below. This report quantifies the income losses, additional costs and savings and how these have impacted upon the Council’s Revenue Budget and overall financial position.
2023/24 Financial Year (Last Year)
A report setting out the final year-end outturn position on the Council’s 2023/24 Revenue and Capital Budgets for the year ended 31st March 2024 is attached below:-
2023/24 Revenue and Capital Budget – Year End Outturn Report
Appendices 1 to 5 – 2023/24 Revenue and Capital Budget Year End Outturn Position