Consultation and Surveys
The Council is committed to improving its consultation with the local community and taking your views into account when planning services and taking spending decisions.
We undertake consultation on setting the Council Budget each year by issuing a Budget Questionnaire to allow local tax payers to comment on our spending plans and give the Council the opportunity to consider your views during the budget setting process.
The Budget Consultation usually take place in November or December and details of this and any other finance related consultation and questionnaires will appear in this section of the website.
The views expressed in the responses to any surveys are very important to the Council and the feedback is taken into account when the Council considers and approves the Revenue and Capital Budgets each year in January.
The Town Council is in the process of developing and setting its Revenue and Capital Budget for the 2025/26 financial year and wish to seek the views of the local community on our proposals.
See the 2025/26 Budget Setting Page for more information
Clearly the budget that we set is important to our local community, both in terms of how our spending plans may impact on the provision of local services and investment in assets for the benefit of the town, and in terms of the level of Council Tax that we need to raise from local taxpayers in order to fund these plans.