Welcome to the Finance Section of the website where you will find everything you need to know about how your council tax is spent, as well as details of the Council’s budgets and accounts, the assets it owns, fees and charges for services provided and much more.
The Council is one of the largest Town Councils in the Country and spends around £3.2 million a year providing a range of important community services in the Great Aycliffe Parish.
After deducting the Council Tax Support Grant received from the Government via Durham County Council and the income generated from fees charged for some of the services it provides, the Council’s net spending or ‘Precept’ is £1.975 million, and this is the amount of money that the Council requires from all of the households in the Town via the Council Tax to fund the services we provide.
The Town Council Tax is currently £190.80 a year at Council Tax Band A which equates to around £3.67 per week. This represents around 11p in every £1 of the total Council Tax bill while the remaining 89p funds the services provided by Durham County Council, Durham Police Authority and County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Authority.
More detail on how money is allocated and spent on services is set out in the Council’s Budget and Accounts which are available to view via the above links.
An overview of the Town Council finances used as a hand out at community events and meetings can be downloaded from the following link:-
If you have any questions about the Council’s finances, or if a document isn’t in an accessible format, please do not hesitate to contact the Council’s Finance Manager, Tracey Woodhead on 01325 300700 or by email at