To apply for an allotment, use our own on-line Allotment Application form or please download a printable application form.
Copies of the agreements for allotment plots, poultry and pigeon sites can be viewed below:
- Allotment Agreement Example
- Pigeon Agreement Example
- Bee Keeping Agreement Example
- Poultry Agreement Example
To apply for a bee keeping plot download a printable application form for a Bee Keeping Plot.
There is an increasing demand for allotment plots as it becomes more popular to grow your own fruit and vegetables.
If you have applied for an allotment site you will be allocated one as soon as we have one available at your chosen site.
Sheds and Greenhouses
Please see our conditions relating to the erection of a shed or structure on the allotment sites.
To apply for permission to erect a shed or greenhouse, please download a printable application form and return it to us as soon as possible.