Neighbourhood Plan

The referendum for the Great Aycliffe Neighbourhood Plan was held on 22nd June 2017 and with an overwhelming ‘Yes’ vote of 91.2% the plan is now being considered by Durham County Council as a supplementary planning document.

If you need any assistance with the Neighbourhood Planning documents please contact Amanda Donald, Corporate & Policy Officer telephone 01325 300700 or email:

View a full copy of the completed Great Aycliffe Neighbourhood Plan

Find details of the next Planning Sub-Committee Meeting

Great Aycliffe Neighbourhood Plan logo

For more information, check out the consultation tab at the top of this page where you will find the Great Aycliffe Neighbourhood Plan document, the Consultation Statement and Basic Conditions Statement as well as lots of supporting information.

What is it?

  • A planning document for the future of Great Aycliffe
  • It will cover the next 14 years so is a long term document. However, it will be reviewed approximately every 5 years to ensure it is still relevant for Great Aycliffe
  • It is about making it easier for developers, businesses and individuals to obtain planning permission that the residents have supported
  • There must be robust evidence to support any of the planning policies incorporated into the document


  • It must follow the National Planning Policy
  • It must be in ‘general conformity’ with the County Durham Plan
  • It cannot, in itself, make things happen. Although a policy may be incorporated into the document it does not mean that policy will automatically be fulfilled. A business or developer must be willing and able to fulfill the policy
  • Some things that have been suggested will be beyond the control of the Neighbourhood Plan
  • It must pass an independent examination prior to referendum
  • It must pass a referendum by the residents of the parish

If you would like Amanda Donald to come and talk to your group or organisation to provide you with further information about the Neighbourhood Plan please contact her on any of the following:- telephone 01325 300700 email