Local Government Transparency Code Published Information

The Government published the Local Government Transparency Code in February 2015.

The intention of the Code is to increase transparency in the publication of public sector data and particularly around how public money is being used, in order to allow local people to hold local authorities to account over how their council tax is spent and the decisions that are taken on their behalf.

Part 2 of the Code sets out the information that it is recommended is published by town and parish councils with a gross annual income or expenditure exceeding £200,000

Great Aycliffe Town Council is committed to being open and transparent in its decision making processes and in spending tax payers’ money and will strive to meet the publication requirements set out in Part 2 as far as these are relevant to the Council.

One of the key requirements of the Code is the publication of all items of expenditure over £500. The Council has been publishing all of its expenditure over the value of £500 since April 2011, and the information for the last ten years including the current financial year to date is accessible via the links below:

2024/25 Financial Year

2022/23 Financial Year

2021/22 Financial Year

2020/21 Financial Year

2019/20 Financial Year

2018/19 Financial Year

2017/18 Financial Year

2016/17 Financial Year

2015/16 Financial Year

2014/15 Financial Year

In addition, Part 2 of the Code recommends that the Council publishes the following information:-

– Senior officer salaries;
– Staff organisation chart;
– The ‘pay multiple’ i.e. the ratio between the highest salary and the average salary of the workforce;
– Details of contracts and tenders over £5,000;
– Grants and donations to the local community;
– Constitution;
– Fraud information;
– Details of Council land and buildings;

In accordance with other statutory requirements and regulations, the Council also publishes the following information:-

–  The Annual Governance and Accountability;
–  Annual External Audit Report;
–  Members’ Allowances and expenses;
–  Parish Performance Plan;
–  Information on the Council’s financial position;
–  Information on the democratic running of the Council including agendas and minutes.

Nearly all of the information referred to above is already published by the Town Council and included within other parts of the website, and links to the information are set out below:

Senior Officer Pay 2022-23

Senior Officer Pay 2021-22

Senior Officer Pay 2020-21

Senior Officer Pay 2019-20

Staff Pay Multiple

Procurement Over £5,000

Procurement Over £5,000 2021/22

Procurement Over £5,000 2020/21

Procurement Over £5,000 2019/20

Procurement Over £5,000 2018/19

Procurement Over £5,000 2017/18

Grants and Donations 

Grants and Donations – 2022/23

Grants and Donations – 2021/22 

Grants and Donations – 2020/21

Grants and Donations 2019/2020

Grants and Donations 2018/19

Members Allowances

Members Allowances – 2022/23

Members Allowances – 2021/22

Members Allowances – 2020/21

Members Allowances 2019/20

Members Allowances 2018/19

Members Allowances 2017/18

Financial Position of the Council

Audited Annual Return

Audited 2021/22 Annual Return

Audited 2020/21 Annual Return

Audited 2019/20 Annual Return

Audited 2018/19 Annual Return

Audited 2017/18 Annual Return

Audited 2016/17 Annual Return

Performance Information

Asset Register

2022/23 Asset Register

2021/22 Asset Register

2020/21 Asset Register

2019/20 Asset Register

2018/19 Asset Register

2017/18 Asset Register


Minutes and Agendas

Anti-Fraud Policy